
Hypervideo is video-centric hypermedia that offers a deep integration of audiovisual material in heterogeneous multimedia documents allowing many interesting audiovisual experiences.

The purpose of the CHM project is to introduce the hypervideo as a new domain, providing a data model that formally describes such documents and their behaviors besides the conventional hypermedia/multimedia ones.

A high level representation of hypervideo documents is thus defined, through :

>> This allows hypervideo to be considered as a video-centric document that inherits from both multimedia and hypermedia fields.

What are hypervideos?

Wikipedia defines hypervideo as a displayed video stream that contains embedded, user-clickable anchors, allowing navigation between video and other hypermedia elements.

Hypervideo results from the combination of interactive video with traditional hypertext and thus, it is associated with several definitions depending on the emphasized point of view. While some works emphasize the hypermedia aspect of adding information into digital video so that users can activate video hyperlinks and get access to additional information in form of texts, images or even other videos, other authors point up the storytelling aspects through hyperlink activation to dynamically create a non-linear and user-defined navigation path in the document. Hence, some authors describe hypervideos as being just the inclusion of clickable video on hypermedia, others consider it a novel multimedia document form to investigate.

Issues with Hypervideos