How was it built?Each shot of the movie has been annotated with an annotation of "Shot" type, that is numbered in its content. The view uses the relations between parts to propose to navigate to the next and previous part, i.e. applying the current view to another Part annotation. An advene query has been designed so as to determine the shots included in the current part ("Shot" annotations, that are temporally included in the temporal fragment of the current part. A loop on these "Shot" annotations allows to present each one with its number, a link to the video stream, and a snapshot if the mouse pointer is over the number. All this was obtained using the "lien_enrichi" static view, applied to each shot.

What is this view?This static view describes in more details the structure (shots and panels) of each part of the movie. It also allows navigation to the next and the previous parts of the current one.

Details about the part Coffin's discovery and preparations

Attack and trance << >> Landing

Shots included in the episode

This part contains 24 shots. Some of these are panels, indicated with (p)

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