Annotations of Supernatural (24)

Id Begin End Content
a3332 00:18:26.300 00:18:30.900 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3334 00:18:40.500 00:18:55.100 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3336 00:19:09.400 00:19:14.400 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3337 00:19:14.400 00:19:20.600 Supernatural speed
a3338 00:19:20.600 00:19:26.200 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3340 00:19:41.600 00:19:45.300 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3342 00:20:11.600 00:20:16.800 Fast horse-drawn carriage
a3343 00:20:16.800 00:20:23.600 Self-opening castle door
a3344 00:20:35.400 00:20:55.000 Self closing castle door
a3345 00:22:11.000 00:22:18.600 Fascination
a3348 00:24:48.000 00:24:59.000 Marks on the neck
a3349 00:30:52.200 00:30:57.400 Self-opening door
a3351 00:31:26.200 00:31:35.400 Long distance perception
a3354 00:33:29.000 00:33:50.200 Self-closing door behing Nosferatu
a3357 00:36:48.200 00:36:54.000 Vampire strength
a3359 00:36:58.600 00:37:07.600 Self-closing coffin, seld driving cart
a3363 00:50:11.000 00:50:20.600 Phantomatic appearance of Nosferatu
a3365 00:52:08.700 00:52:15.400 Erection of Nosferatu
a3367 00:57:05.700 00:57:32.800 Self-opening trap door
a3370 01:00:52.100 01:01:17.100 Self-directing boat
a3372 01:01:30.300 01:01:36.100 Disappearing through the door
a3381 01:18:37.200 01:18:40.400 Self-opening door
a3385 01:20:49.300 01:20:56.100 num=581
a3386 01:22:10.900 01:22:30.300 Dawn's coming