How was it built ?Simple HTML.

What is this view ?This static views presents several ad-hocs views available in the Advene prototype.

Ad-hoc views

Ad-hoc views are views that have been programmed in python, and can only be user-parameterized or personalized rather than user-defined (as static or dynamic views would be).

Tree view (launch)

General description

The tree view is a basic admin view that presents all the elements of a package, organized in a tree. The first level of the tree contains categories for schemas, views, queries and Ressources. The Schemas sub-hierarchy gives access to the actual schemas of the package, which give themselves access to the annotation and relation types they contain, which finally give access to the actual annotations and relations. The view and query sub-hierarchies contains the views and the queries of the package. The Ressource sub-hierarchy contains all the ressources of the package, for instance, images, stylesheets, etc.

User personalization

The user currenlty has no means of personnalizing the tree view.

Finder view (launch)

The finder view displays the same information as the tree view, in a column-based layout.

Timeline view (launch)

General description

This view presents the annotations and the relations on a timeline, each line corresponding to an annotation type. It is possible to play the document at any moment, to interact with annotations (playing, editing, adjusting their beginning and end times), to create new annotations and relations.

Use the button to open the timeline view, or drag the button in a zone of the Advene interface. Use the "P" key to play the stream at the position of the cursor (if it is on an annotation, it will play at the beginning or at the end of the annotation, depending on the position of the cursor). Right-click on a line and a temporal position to create a new annotation. It is also possible to create a new annotation by dragging an annotation to an annotation type on the left (the new annotation will belong to the new type, with same content and fragment than the original). It is also possible to duplicate and split annotations, and use drag and drop to resize them as such, or compared to others (using the 'temporal alignement buttons'). Editing annotations is done using the "E" key or right-click and edit option.

User personalization

User can choose which annotation types to present, the zoom factor and whether to track the current video time.

Transcription view (launch)

General description

This view presents a text that is constructed from textual information of a set of annotations (usually all the annotations of a certain type, or all the annotations of the package). In most situations, you can also edit the content of the transcription and, upon validation, have the contents of the annotations accordingly updated.

User personalization

The user can choose how to construct the textual information from the annotations content, what is the separator between two annotations, whether the limits of the annotation fragments should be displayed, etc.